Let us welcome our new client, Banana Task Force Ape (BTFA) — a collection of 10,000 task force apes with over 150 unique traits. BTFA was founded in November 2021 as the first decentralised protocol under an LLC-backed NFT project Banana Task Force NFTs.
BTFA aims to bridge the gap between tokens and NFTs while supporting both floors to maintain stability to holders in their Metaverse. The benefits of being a BTFA member includes being whitelisted to future mint collections, floor support from their governance token, complimentary VIP access to live events, and guaranteed spots in future IDOs. Also, keeping aspects traditional and morals such as donating to charities and multi-functional cross-chain liquidity rewarding metrics.
For more information visit https://www.bananataskforceape.com/
If interested in our products contact @subxsales on Telegram.
Article written by Amirul (Design & Communication Lead)